Duration in hours
Week 1: Introduction to Biofertilizers and Vermicompost
- Day 1: Overview of Sustainable Agriculture
- Day 2: Benefits of Biofertilizers and Vermicompost
- Day 3: Microorganisms in Soil Health
- Day 4: Vermicomposting Basics
- Day 5: Lab Session: Setting up Vermicomposting units
Week 2: Biofertilizer Microorganisms
- Day 6: Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
- Day 7: Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria
- Day 8: Potash-Mobilizing Bacteria
- Day 9: Lab Session: Isolation and Culturing of Biofertilizer Microorganisms
- Day 10: Quiz on Microorganisms
Week 3: Vermicomposting Process
- Day 11: Worm Selection and Breeding
- Day 12: Organic Waste Selection
- Day 13: Optimal Conditions for Vermicomposting
- Day 14: Troubleshooting Common Issues
- Day 15: Field Trip: Visiting a Vermicompost Facility
Week 4: Biofertilizer and Vermicompost Application
- Day 16: Application Methods and Timing
- Day 17: Nutrient Management Planning
- Day 18: Case Studies: Successful Applications
- Day 19: Lab Session: Biofertilizer Production
- Day 20: Lab Session: Vermicompost Production
Week 5: Environmental Impact and Certification**
- Day 21: Environmental Benefits and Challenges
- Day 22: Certification Standards and Regulations
- Day 23: Marketing and Business Aspects
- Day 24: Guest Speaker: Environmental Expert
- Day 25: Final Project: Business Plan for Biofertilizer/Vermicompost Production.
Week 6: Assessment and Conclusion
- Day 26: Mid-term Exam
- Day 27: Quality Control and Testing
- Day 28: Presenting Business Plans
- Day 29: Final Exam
- Day 30: Course Recap and Certificates
Examination and Certification:
- Mid-term Exam: Covers Weeks 1-3
- Final Exam: Covers Weeks 4-6
- Assignments to be uploaded from time to time
- In the final exam questions will be multiple choice type
- On successful submission of assignments and qualifying in the examination certificates will be provided to the candidates.
Final Project: Business Plan Presentation
**This syllabus offers a balanced mix of theory, practical experience, and real-world application, ensuring that students gain a thorough understanding of biofertilizer and vermicompost production. Adjustments can be made based on the specific needs and level of expertise of the participants.